Collora Piano

Collora Piano


Our Commitment to Institutions

Collora Piano is committed to providing world-class pianos and service to all of our institutions, churches and arts organizations. We’ve gone to great lengths and have searched the world over to find the finest pianos anywhere and we’re committed to offering them at the lowest price possible. The hand-picked brands of pianos we have chosen to represent allows us the ability to meet any institutional need whether it be a concert performance instrument, a piano practice room instrument or a church Sunday School room piano, we have something for any application.

How To Acquire A Piano

One of the most difficult challenges facing institutions today regarding new piano acquisitions is how to pay for them. To address this challenge of how to fiscally acquire a piano, we have developed an online fundraising component entitled Give-A-Key. To learn more about this program, contact Phil Gibbs.

Learn about our 88 Keys program.

A Piano Inventory Evaluation

It’s hard to know what an organization needs without having clear picture of what you already have. For this reason we offer, at no charge, a musical merit evaluation of your existing piano inventory. This detailed evaluation is a comprehensive analysis of your existing piano inventory as it relates to its musical readiness. Once an evaluation has been completed, then we’re able to develop a clear strategy to meet any current and future needs relating to both piano acquisitions and maintenance.

Maintenance is the Life of Your Piano

The most overlooked element relating to institutional piano use is maintenance. Maintenance is the key to not only extending the life of your piano but it’s also the critical component to getting the most out of your piano over its lifetime. At Collora Piano, we’re a company that was founded by and is run by technicians and as such, we are committed to providing expert technical assistance for all the pianos we represent.

How can we help you?

What our customers have said about Collora Piano:

“These guys are friggin awesome. I spilled beer all over my Fazioli, and my dog chewed up the keys.

Now it’s like new!”